Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day

Why is Summer Solstice important in Yoga?

The longest day for the Northern hemisphere, and this year it falls on 21st June 2023. Offering us the long sunny, brightest day of the year. One thing I always say is make sure at some point on this day you go outside and appreciate the wonderful nature around us. It is the start of Summer let’s celebrate.

Beautiful set sunset in Anglesey, the evening before Summer Solstice.

What does this represent in Yoga?

It is seen to present celebration, change, transformations, healing, and new beginnings. Both in Nature and in yourselves if we so wish. This is the perfect opportunity to review the last six months, be grateful, see how far you’ve come, and allow this to help you set your intentions for the coming months, allow it to feed into the transformation.

So, have you heard of the Sun Salutation in yoga?

This is a yoga sequence, that welcomes the sun. There are a few variations of sun salutation, and are best practiced on sunrise, however, these can be practiced at any time of day and will often be seen as a warmup in a yoga sequence. This is due to it as the energises your whole body, brings movement to all areas, and helps you connect the breath, mind, and body.

During the summer solstice, you may see sun salutation being practiced for a sequence of 108 rounds. Why 108, you might be thinking this is due to it being a sacred number in yoga for many reasons. The distance between the sun and earth in around 108 times the size of the diameter of the sun, there are 108 beads on a Mala bead necklace used in meditation, Ayurveda teaches of 108 Marma points (healing points), in yoga we believe there are 7 charka, and 108 energy lines. This is a small overview, but as you can see there is a connection between 108, with our bodies, our yoga practice, energy, and the universe.

About 108 Sun Salutation challenge.

This 108-sun salutation routine is often referred to as a challenge because that is true. This can be hard, you may feel a physical challenge to do this many rounds, but also a mental challenge. As humans, we can find it difficult to switch our thoughts off, quiet the internal voices telling us something is hard, or boring, this challenges that. It is said to help you get into a meditative state, help you surrender, find a state of ease, and allow things to leave you or let go, this is not an ease concept.

Please note, this challenge should not be taken lightly and should not be approached with no training and guidance. Build up to this slowly, practice your sun salutations and get yourself mentally and physical ready.

Reset, your body and mind.

What will you gain from this challenge.

You can overcome negative thoughts; they do not rule you and you can let them go. You may even find you can replace them with positive thoughts, positive energy.

You are strong; both mentally and physically. This challenge may sound daunting at first but success from completion will reinforce your strength and your power.

Highlight any misalignments n your body; if you are practicing any poses with an alignment that is not quite right, this will defiantly make an appearance in this practice, it can help you find alignment, find those goals, and set your intention moving forward in your yoga practice.

It may allow you to let go; if you struggle with meditation (trust me we all do), this may help you switch off find that state of a relaxed mind.


Happy Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day everyone.



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Yoga and Joint health, Focusing on Arthritis.