Have you noticed your breath today?

Have you noticed your breath today?


As I sit here, I think about when I noticed my breath today. The answers during my yoga practice this morning since then... nope not once. How many times during a day or week do we never notice our breath. Let’s be honest probably most of the time we forget to notice this valuable energizing function.

Why am I asking this question? Well, just to appreciate the human body. How amazing is it that we just tick away without even thinking of the most basic function of breath?

Noticing our breath and why.

Decreases stress and reduce negative thoughts

Taking time to notice your breath reduces the time available for negative thoughts. It helps you destress by enabling you to increase the oxygen within your body and breathing is one of the strongest natural tools for us to calm the entire system and reduces blood pressure.  

Pain relief

Ever thought about your breath when you are in pain? Most likely not. However, we tend to take shorter quicker breaths. Creating tension in our muscles, and becoming protective over our injury or pain. This can increase the pain level, by reducing the energy and oxygen moving through our systems.

Increases focus and performance

By noticing our breath it can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This system helps relax our emotions. Soothe any feelings that may be appearing, helping us get a boost to remain focused on the task ahead rather than the emotions linked to it.

Brings you to the present moment

By becoming more focused, we start becoming present. Concentrating on our breath can help us switch off from the email that just can through or the long to-do list. Brings us into the moment.


By focusing on our breath, we can actually increase our blood flow, which helps our energy and oxygen flow through our system. So, in that midafternoon slump, have a little think about your breathing, maybe take a few deep breathes and expand and relax, naturally opening up. See if it kickstarts that energy bank.

Lets Breathe!

Pranayama and breathe techniques can benefit our body and minds.

How is breathe used in yoga?

Breathing techniques in yoga are called ‘’Pranayama’’. Which translates to ‘’Prana’’ life energy and ‘’yama’’ control.

So, we control our breath which increases energy through our systems. This can be done on and off your mats. We may choose to learn different breathing techniques. There are many that are used within yoga practice.

A tiny intro to the breathing techniques in yoga.


Belly Breath.

One of the most relaxing breathes that can be used anywhere… and secretly.

Sitting comfortably, place a hand on your belly.

Take a big breath expanding through the belly and allowing your chest to remain quite still.

Breathe out, feel our belly retract and the air flow out through your lips.

Get the power of balanced energy through your system.

Alternative nostril breathing.

This can feel a little odd to start. but it’s like riding a bike once you have it you never forget. It helps balance energy and body and reduces stress and anxiety.

Sitting comfortably, placing your most dominant index finger and middle finger on the mid bro. taking the thumb and ring finger to rest on each side of the nose just above the nostrils.

Take one full inhale through both nostrils and exhale.

Then close the right nostril, and inhale through the left. Releasing the right nostril and closing the left, exhale through the right.

Ujjayi Breath.

This is an energizing yet relaxing breath. Stimulating and balancing the cardiorespiratory system. This breathing creates an ocean-like internal sound at the back of our throats.

Sitting comfortably

Inhale through the nose. Keeping the abdominal area still, we are contracting the perineal muscles.  

Draw the navel towards the spine as we exhale through the nose. Whilst exhaling we contract the epiglottis at the back of the throat. Producing this ocean-like sound.


Be sure to ask me more about them in class.


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